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- Published
- By Senior Airman Jessica Sanchez-Chen
- 52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The Department of Defense’s new Electronic Health Record (EHR), MHS GENESIS, goes live for use at the 52nd Medical Group, Sept. 23, 2023, here.
MHS GENESIS is a new secure, electronic system for healthcare records. It allows service members, veterans, and their families to communicate directly with providers and a centralized location for medical information.
“MHS GENESIS is a system that is LONG overdue,” said Capt. Jenise Perry, 52nd MDG mental health provider. “Having worked in the VA prior to becoming an active-duty provider, as well as being a veteran myself, it helps create a more seamless transition and optimizes continuity of care with regard to medical services.”
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal will replace the current TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal and Secure messaging system, providing patients with secure, 24/7 access. All existing TRICARE Online accounts will automatically migrate to MHS GENESIS on Sept. 23.
Service members should take proactive action to ensure a seamless transition to MHS GENESIS by verifying that all personal and dependent information in DEERS is updated and accurate before logging into MHS GENESIS for the first time.
The new system will bring safer and more efficient management of healthcare by increasing information sharing and communication for providers, the healthcare team, and the patient.
“My previous experience in civilian healthcare reinforces the necessity of a modernization for our electronic healthcare system,” said 1st Lt. Kevin Raines, 52nd MDG group practice manager. “MHS GENESIS will put us on par with the healthcare enterprise at large and allow us to tailor our care to be more efficient in both clinical and administrative functions.”
It will be the single health record system for service members, veterans, and their families across the DoD.
As of July 2023, MHS GENESIS has reached 119 parent hospitals and clinics, encompassing more than 164,000 Defense Health Agency providers. These professionals are now equipped to provide healthcare to an extensive network of over 6.6 million potential beneficiaries. MHS GENESIS has been rolled out across Europe.
“The MHS GENESIS transition will allow me to provide more seamless patient care by using the EHR that the rest of the Air Force enterprise uses,” said Capt. Raquelle Newman, 52nd MDG family health provider. “It provides needed transparency across MTFs and will ease communication among patients and other providers.”
To access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal visit:
If do not have a DS Logon Premium Account or if you have questions about DS Logon, visit the milConnect Website at, or call 1-800-538-9552.